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Kent Architecture Centre Annual Review 2010-11

As we move forward into a new financial year, Kent Architecture Centre thought that now would be a good time to look back over the range of activity between April 2010 and March 2011. Despite the challenges of the last year Kent Architecture Centre managed to continue its core activities. Equally important, KAC also developed new models for delivering these programmes in response to the disappearing financial structures that have supported them in the past.

For the complete Annual Review sign up to our e-newsletter at

Spaceshaper and Spaceshaper 9-14

Spaceshaper provides a facilitated, practical workshop which brings together the users and managers of a public space to assess quality in an enjoyable and structured way. Spaceshaper participants work together to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the space and plan improvements to benefit the wider community. The process works for parks, play spaces, streets and squares providing a simple and effective way of engaging the local community in improving their neighbourhoods. Using Spaceshaper generates high levels of interest and buy in, tapping into the knowledge and creativity of local people. For more information please contact

Spaceshaper 9-14 is a resource specifically developed to provide young people with a voice in the process of improving public spaces. For more information please contact

Spaceshaper and Spaceshaper 9-14 facilitator training
To register your interest in these training sessions or for more information please contact

South East Regional Design Panel meeting dates

If you would like to submit a scheme for design review please email

1st June 2011 London
9th June 2011 Milton Keynes